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Messages - Taki

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Forum Français / Re: coming soon
« on: June 12, 2015, 03:28:54 pm »
Je comprends que t'aimes pas, mais tous les points que tu decris sont des features (et non des defauts a ameliorer) du point de vue des dev AoP (c'est a dire c'est une question de gout, mais ils ont fait ca a dessein) :
- 100 hp negatifs, pour inciter les situations de "Man down !" où tu dois aller sauver un pote (lancer un smoke puis soigner le mec). Il y a aussi des armes qui contre cela ie qui tuent auto quand t'es en dessous de 0 comme le pistolet plasma.
- il y a justement des armes qui provoquent + d'animations de morts, qui sont fortes pour ca (cf 4e point) comme le lance missiles etc
- pas de crit burst, ca fait partie du package "On enleve le one-hex du gameplay", ca plait ou ca plait pas, mais c'est un choix. En echange certaines armes a burst "wind" les ennemis, ie tu ne peux plus courir et ca baisse ta dr/dt.
- on ne peut pas revive un mec qui a subi une animation de mort critique, c'est justement un des contres aux revivers, utiliser des armes thermiques, lance-flammes ou rocket launcher etc

Si vous retestez AoP, hesitez pas a post qq part quand, histoire que je pop aussi :)
Je joue cote Lawyer, Anza / Anzah / Anza Plast

Sinon troll, si tu ne fais pas deja partie du groupe d'Andy/Suff/Sylvicius, hesite pas a changer de faction et venir Lawyer ;-)

Forum Français / Re: coming soon
« on: June 12, 2015, 11:02:31 am »
Pour avoir ete vraiment actif sur AoP, je peux vous dire que oui le jeu est encore bien actif, les developpeurs utilisent cette saison pour mettre en place leur jeu, c'est tres sympa parce qu'ils prennent en compte les retours des joueurs et sont tres ouverts aux critiques.

Apres oui la base de joueurs est tres petite donc on joue toujours contre les memes, mais ca suffit largement. Le gameplay est clairement 2015-friendly, on souffre moins des limitations de Fallout 2.

Pour le principe des 4 factions, le but d'AoP est de donner la possibilite a TOUS de pouvoir faire du pvp capture de zones (l'equivalient des TC). Sur Reloaded si tu fais pas partie d'une faction TC, ben t'en feras jamais. AoP est un server casual friendly oui, mais rien ne t'oblige a jouer avec ceux que t'aimes pas. Tu as un systeme de squads, tu peux creer tes groupes, avec un leader qui donnent des bonus a son equipe, et surtout tu peux voir les membres de ta squad sans ligne de vue.

Aussi sur AoP tu as vraiment un choix d'armes tres ouvert, la plupart des armes sont viables pour un but precis. Le saignement et le defib apportent enormement au gameplay. Les armes lourdes comme lance missiles etc font tres mal mais tu ne peux pas courir, ou alors il faut deployer l'arme, pas mal de contraintes donnent aux autres armes une viabilite et c'est vraiment un plus.

Un bon exemple du gameplay different d'AoP, vous pouvez voir le panel d'armes vraiment varie des gens, je suis le healer qui creve en allant soigner Stalker pff :P Aussi les nombreux effets comme les grenades smokes etc :)

Forum Français / Re: Farmé pour s'amuser
« on: May 14, 2015, 10:56:21 am »
En meme temps pourquoi avoir rejoint les UV ?  ;D

Suggestions / Re: TC score rating
« on: May 14, 2015, 10:54:30 am »
It's gonna bring some more hate posts against AoP but this system is working there  :) It's not perfect, as healing gives really low score compared to damage, and no-damage actions like defib/push/pull dont give score, so as said by OP, make it complex enough not to just add score on damage please (KB/KO awards is nice) :-[

Closed suggestions / Re: New "Magic Box" location
« on: May 14, 2015, 10:43:35 am »
Again, you cannot compare a locker that you can open bluesuit with 0 risk with a dungeon locker or a TC locker. You have to add something people will have to risk to make your suggestion viable imo, or as everybody said, it will be same issues at previous session.

Suggestions / Re: [Magic Box spawn idea to induce more PvP]
« on: May 13, 2015, 09:46:38 am »
I dont think it is a good thing. It will not promote pvp and as you said, it is for pvp purposes only, not for grinding loots.
So having the loots depend on the people involved would promote pvp more and that's what everybody wants.

Closed suggestions / Re: New "Magic Box" location
« on: May 13, 2015, 09:43:52 am »
I guess I could understand that you want to fight for the loot with other players, but let's face it, it would be just like the previous Reno TC lockers. Who cares if there is no implant/PA etc, people will just farm it bluesuit, so basically what's wrong with this is that you can loot a locker with 0 risk. And it will make the same issues as previous session imo.

This suggestion needs something else to make it viable. Something to attract people like Commercial locker did, but without the 0 risk grind if no one there.

Suggestions / Re: [Magic Box spawn idea to induce more PvP]
« on: May 13, 2015, 09:36:14 am »
The loots should depend on the people involved in that micro event to avoid people farming that when nobody online  :) I believe FO2 does their global message events depending on online population (not sure) ?

Suggestions / Re: PvP Fame System
« on: May 13, 2015, 09:28:06 am »
As said above this can be abusable in too many ways.

Bluesuits scouts will get even more bothering because no one would want to lose fame to kill them.
Having a timer could help preventing abuse but what if you have good TC fights, and people who died regear fast and come back ? Would you desactivate that timer on TC fights ? But still abuse possible then, so would you keep the reward to promote TC, or keep the timer to prevent abuse ?
People will be farming fame with multi accounts or friends.

About the bonuses, the carry weight is nice, but others are too strong. As you say, it is more about having achievements and .. "fame"  ;D You could add like +10 on non combat skills, that wont break the balance. Something like
lvl 1 - +5 carry weight
lvl 2 - +10 science & repair
lvl 3 - +5 carry weight
lvl 4 - +10 barter & outdoorsman
lvl 5 - +5 carry weight
lvl 6 - +20 speech
And getting a title on each lvl that can be seen with awareness like faction name.

What could maybe help to avoid abuse it that the fame you gain is removed from your victim.
A (340 fame) kills B (120 fame) : A has more fame so less gain, let's say A (390) and B (70) after the kill
A (340 fame) kills B (420 fame) : A has less fame so motr gain, let's say A (440) and B (320) after the kill
A (340 fame) kills B (0 fame) : B (bluesuit or not) has no fame so no gain, A (340) and B (0) after the kill
People will start with 0 fame. The only wait to get fame is to participate a TC fight, it would give you 1 fame. That may be long to grind fame at beginning but it will get fast eventually. And of course you lose the bonuses if you lose too much fame to keep you fame lvl. It would also feel like a ladder, and to prevent fame hamsters, fame could decrease 1 pt every day unless you do at least 1 TC.

Faction Announcements / Re: The Black Sun Gang
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:12:22 am »
aaaayyy ssup , are u guys playin when wipe will happen ... im interested to play with ma buttbuddy stalgher aka the burrito flippa

Haha I knew it wouldnt take long for you to come along :D
+ there are german speakers there  ;D

Faction Announcements / Re: The Black Sun Gang
« on: April 28, 2015, 10:44:44 am »
Go make me a burrito Stalker :D

Closed suggestions / Re: anti carebear solution
« on: January 13, 2015, 03:57:25 pm »
So big factions will make raids on randoms tents/bases and force them to stay at a lower rank/wealth/equipment, while they get richer and richer and improve their bases defenses... Basically only biggest pvp factions will be able to have bases, i guess tents will have less defense possible, making them useless. All people not in big factions will have to go to hotel rooms, making it impossible for them to catch up.

edit : Meh  :-\

Toxic Caves / Re: Perks & Traits feedback
« on: January 13, 2015, 12:21:24 pm »
The issue about that suggestion is that if you're melee, then this trait has no side effect, you just get free +4 STR + doubled base melee damage... There should be a side effect even for melees, like reduced critical damage or chance for instance.

General Game Discussion / Re: Companions
« on: December 18, 2014, 09:32:58 am »
It was not due to companions, who were fine, but with the slaves.

People started to make builds with 8-10 mercs/slaves, all with rocket launchers, and swarmed with them  ;D
It was fun at the beginning, but then it was ruining the fun (a bit like turbo plasma atm i guess), so followers were disabled on pvp (a shame for companions though)

The Thunderdome / Re: Pvp Movies & Screens
« on: December 08, 2013, 08:30:08 pm »
Firetruck terrorists attacked innocent people again...

But this time Pistoleros went to pacify the firetruck terrorists !

Thanks for the truck it will help saving lives from fire now  ;)

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