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Messages - Anne

Pages: [1]
Faction Announcements / Re: -The Thieves Guild-
« on: March 04, 2014, 04:58:50 pm »
Hey we just added alot of thieves to the guild.

New recruits - please message me in PM and write a little bio about your character (i can't spell all your names they are weird).

Or if you wish to remain anonymous, let me know.

Toxic Caves / Re: Russian roulette event announcement ...
« on: February 21, 2014, 07:57:28 am »
Another great event! I loved the faceoff between Kilgore v. DocAN!

Anyone that hasn't traded with me yet in the wasteland?

Toxic Caves / Re: -AP Gatling Laser
« on: February 14, 2014, 08:35:08 am »
IDK, general ivic is a crybaby that base rapes his own members and changes his mind on a whim

Risky trade here!

Events & Competitions / Re: Russian roulette event announcement ...
« on: February 12, 2014, 06:38:13 am »
fuck yeah bitches!

General Game Discussion / Re: 1 000 000 caps lottery#1
« on: February 10, 2014, 02:28:55 am »
Ticket please.

Faction Announcements / Re: -The Thieves Guild-
« on: February 09, 2014, 09:23:18 pm »
Hugs loves Henry because he always give her drugs which makes her not steal because she steals for her drugs.

One time Emerson gave me combat armor and a weapon and helped me out so he's pretty nice, we will not steal from him either.

Faction Announcements / Re: -The Thieves Guild-
« on: February 09, 2014, 09:20:54 pm »
But how do you know the difference? A lone player may be well experienced and just not want friends, while a well experienced player undoubtedly will use new characters to hit the hub for in-town business...

We go through a process. If a bluesuit has a what seems to be newbie items, we usually leave them alone (i.e. starting items). If a bluesuit has items that show they know how to play (footlocker items, combat armor, craftable items), it means they are probably an alt. If it's gray area, we steal and ask them if they are a newbie. If they are a newbie and a nice, we give it back and help them. If they are a douchebag like ranother/reznik, we keep it and tell them that's life in the harsh wasteland.

Faction Announcements / Re: -The Thieves Guild-
« on: February 09, 2014, 10:32:06 am »
Look, this is the wasteland, it's full of assholes and people that would slit their mom's throat for a fix of jet. That being said, not all of us are sociopaths and assholes. We're like to introduce ourselves... to your pockets and hearts... we are The Thieves Guild.

Who we are:

Wormsign - Professional troll and leader of the Thieves Guild. Ability to make things blow up and a master of locking in people into buildings but this practice has been outlawed by The Sheriff.

Anne - First member of the Thieves Guild. I stole from anyone and everyone until I met Hugs. Hugs told me we should roleplay Robin Hood instead because it's funner, and I agreed. Now we only steal from players who look like they are experienced and leave the newbies alone. We help the newbies that are NOT entitled pricks. We steal from rich players and help newbies start out with weapons/armor/tents whatever they need. I am also in charge of our guild's PR.

TooDrunkToFuck - The #1 thief in the game. Known for being totally awesome and not giving any fucks. He steals your shit and throws it in random directions cuz he couldn't care less about the newbie shit you bitches are carrying.

Hugs - Our best thief who came up with our Robin Hood roleplay idea so now we help newbies as a result. She also came up with the idea for the toll so that people who donate to the Thieves Guild Newbie fund are protected for periods of time depending on size of donation. She has good ideas. She roleplays a drug addict that steals to feed her habit.

Cindy - Our stealthiest thief but she left to fight the 9 ghouls all by herself because she is better than that whole newbie clan of losers.  We call upon her when there is a particularly annoying person we don't like since she is an excellent thief that taught even us experienced thieves a few tricks of the trade.

Seth Putnam - New thief that we're training and he is still leveling up but shows great promise.

Fledermaus - A skilled scout and treasure hunter from the north that just recently came to the Hub searching for new challenges. Not a thief in the traditional sense per se, but equipped with vast curiosity and she likes to collect various odd bits and pieces. Thus it's more likely that she will pinch a flower than a bag with a thousand caps from you - unpredictable.

Fingers - A mysterious missionary from the Cathedral of the Lost, helping the poor with their basic needs and helping the rich with their encumbering purses. Always cloaked in brown robes... blending in with the dirt of the wasteland.

Non-associate neutral party thieves:
Woerth - He is OK and we are cool with him but he is obsessed with stealing from NPCs and doesn't have our attitude. He steals for items but we all realize stealing is VERY unrewarding in this game and it's more of a roleplay activity. Much more profitable to mine or locker-hunt.

Ranother/Reznik - dual-log suicide bombing piece of shit that kills newbies when trying to kill us due to his ineptness and 1cm cock
Suka - Epic fail thief in the hub that gives thieves a bad name due to his ineptness

Allied Factions:
The Iron Hand -> strong Polish mercenaries that kill our enemies, we don't steal from them.
Brahmin Eaters -> newbie friendly clan that helps newbies and gets them started in the wasteland, good place for a dedicated beginner to get trained in crafting, PVE, and they also go to Hinkley alot

Benefactors that have donated alot that we will never steal from:
Henry - is our favorite drugdealer
Sara - buys stuff that we want to give us from the vendors
Lindeed - gives us drugs
Gimper - roleplayed with us, a real badass
Emerson - helped me out, gave me a set of combat armor and shotgun and 5k caps
MobiusOne - donated 182 fibers

In summary, if you are a whiny bitch and cry when we steal from you and have gotten too used to the wasteland and forgot it's a harsh environment... we are going to liberate your inventory and help newbies that deserve it by giving it to them. If you are cool with us and donate to the Thieves Guild Newbie Fund, you earn free passes to the Hub and Junktown where we operate for certain periods of time.

If you are a super piece of shit, we will have our friends 1hex or C4 you. If you're cool and nice to newbies, we'll probably let you use our shops... for a discount or even free depending on our mood.

Toxic Caves / Could you cry a little more, plz? ~ Thieves Guild
« on: February 09, 2014, 09:32:21 am »
Look, this is the wasteland, it's full of assholes and people that would slit their mom's throat for a fix of jet. That being said, not all of us are sociopaths and assholes. We're like to introduce ourselves... to your pockets and hearts... we are The Thieves Guild.

Who we are:

Wormsign - Professional troll and leader of the Thieves Guild. Ability to make things blow up and a master of locking in people into buildings but this practice has been outlawed by The Sheriff.

Anne - First member of the Thieves Guild. I stole from anyone and everyone until I met Hugs. Hugs told me we should roleplay Robin Hood instead because it's funner, and I agreed. Now we only steal from players who look like they are experienced and leave the newbies alone. We help the newbies that are NOT entitled pricks. We steal from rich players and help newbies start out with weapons/armor/tents whatever they need. I am also in charge of our guild's PR.

TooDrunkToFuck - The #1 thief in the game. Known for being totally awesome and not giving any fucks. He steals your shit and throws it in random directions cuz he couldn't care less about the newbie shit you bitches are carrying.

Hugs - Our best thief who came up with our Robin Hood roleplay idea so now we help newbies as a result. She also came up with the idea for the toll so that people who donate to the Thieves Guild Newbie fund are protected for periods of time depending on size of donation. She has good ideas. She roleplays a drug addict that steals to feed her habit.

Cindy - Our stealthiest thief but she left to fight the 9 ghouls all by herself because she is better than that whole newbie clan of losers.  We call upon her when there is a particularly annoying person we don't like since she is an excellent thief that taught even us experienced thieves a few tricks of the trade.

Seth Putnam - New thief that we're training and he is still leveling up but shows great promise.

Non-associate neutral party thieves:
Woerth - He is OK and we are cool with him but he is obsessed with stealing from NPCs and doesn't have our attitude. He steals for items but we all realize stealing is VERY unrewarding in this game and it's more of a roleplay activity. Much more profitable to mine or locker-hunt.

Ranother/Reznik - dual-log suicide bombing piece of shit that kills newbies when trying to kill us due to his ineptness and 1cm cock
Suka - Epic fail thief in the hub that gives thieves a bad name due to his ineptness

Allied Faction: The Iron Hand -> strong Polish mercenaries that kill our enemies, we don't steal from them.

Benefactors that have donated alot that we will never steal from:

In summary, if you are a whiny bitch and cry when we steal from you and have gotten to used to the wasteland and forgot it's a harsh environment... we are going to liberate your inventory and help newbies that deserve it by giving it to them. If you are cool with us and donate to the Thieves Guild Newbie Fund, you earn free passes to the Hub and Junktown where we operate for certain periods of time.

If you are a super piece of shit, we will have our friends 1hex or C4 you. If you're cool and nice to newbies, we'll probably let you use our shops for awhile.

The Thunderdome / Re: Is it just me...
« on: February 09, 2014, 09:15:56 am »
Yes, we are The Thieves Guild. We don't care about the stupid NPC faction name that we were assigned in the game.

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