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The Thunderdome / some random forum pvp
« on: February 08, 2014, 10:57:07 pm »
Well, it seems there is a difference between having or not having hp/dr implants. You can call this guarding or pvp, but, to be honest, that smells like camping from a mile. Maybe factions could just have those footlockers in their bases :p Will be easier to all of us..

Toxic Caves / Re: No hp/perk lvl cap
« on: February 05, 2014, 10:00:28 am »
Sorry for double post. Ok. quick solution.

I was talking ealier how i hate crits and how we should skill to 300% for effective shots. So maybe critical chance could be increased respectively with combat skill. And when we hit 300% will get almost 99% chance for cricital hit. That seems make sense.
And no i don't care about 24 lvl cripplers. We all supposed work really hard for that kind of bonuses. They have burst weapons too.

Closed suggestions / No hp/perk lvl cap
« on: February 03, 2014, 09:14:41 pm »

Well, idea is simple - after 24 lvl +1 HP every 10 lvl's (no grinding, we just keep playing) and every 20 lvl - we will be able to choose new perk.

I know what you gonna say - there will be gap between new players and does rough ones. But, to be honest, this gap is already happend - through ability to infinite skilling. For example - hybrids like: tank sneak/laser sniper/bg burster/fa,doc/ and counting.../ are really easy to make. And that actually IS big disadvantage.

So, let's be just more... humanitarian i guess  :D. And let them play, have more fun with leveling, benig better and better. Because - why we stop? Right?


And - less powerfull perks. Le's play this simple - no so many extras from Fallout -single player like, and we all start to look like a normal human beings:)

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