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Topics - Wallace

Pages: [1]
Closed bugs / Cannot log in nor run updater [Client?]
« on: October 23, 2015, 02:44:02 am »
As in title...

All of a sudden i can no longer log in even though i could play normally several minutes ago.

Fonline says it cannot connect to the server. But the server itself is up and running.

EDIT: logged on for a moment but only got a paralysing lag and after that i cannot log again still. Server fuckup?

Auctions / WTA 50 combat armors
« on: November 17, 2013, 09:01:10 pm »
Start prize 50K
Min bid 5 K
Auction end at 10 PM 20.11.2013

All armors are 100/100 condition.

Bugs / [Mechanic] Wrongly accused of misbehavior at Gunrunners
« on: October 07, 2013, 07:04:20 pm »
Today after finally reaching 900+ reputation with Gunrunners i went to make some (well plenty actually) Tesla armors. Done my business and left the location. Upon entering Gunrunner now i get:

"You've caused troubles in this town, guards will not protect you."

Like if i did something bad. All i did except crafting was talking to a girl wearing CA next to a howitzer. (she told me i was ugly as hell or something like that ;P )

I didn't do anything bad. No stealing, no nothing.

This topic evolved from

What bothers me about this game is a lack of appropriate speed between RT and TB.

In TB 10 agi, 2 actionboy, bonus moved, jet addicted, cookie bloated, AP quality armor wearing dude will outrun agi 1 bruiser... he'll be 6 times faster... so why it is not so in RT? I consider that weird and preposterous.

Plus there another issue that makes RT broken

Time units in TB is only your AP
Time units in RT are partially your AP (when it come to performing operations and of course not running speed) BUT after taking a close look you can see that every action that requires char animation takes it toll in time too.
Not only that. When you perform an action and animation lasts your AP regeneration halts. So every action in RT takes much longer that it normally should. If Animation would not stop the AP regen AND would last only for as long as it takes for a given number of APs to regenerate then the RT wouldn't be time broken. This could even introduce spammer builds into Town Control system

As a passionate armorer since 2238 i couldn't be more happy about now possible armor crafting with bonuses as it has become even more exciting  ;)

But once i crafted over a hundred helmets and several hundred armors during this session i realized something...

Some bonuses outstrip others in usefulness and some are totally redundant.

DT and DR bonuses include:

Normal: Yes, please! The more the better!
Laser: Sure, that'll be coming handy.
Plasma: DR is great! But due to powerful nature of plasma weapons who needs DT?
Fire: DR might be useful sometimes but the DT in helmets is a must have! There are so many encounters with bunch of PK snipers blasting my eyes with solar scorchers...
Electro: Largely unused
Explode: DR is great DT is practically useless. Not to mention helmets - their explode resists are never used so those bonuses in helmets are pointless.

So should there perhaps be some changes to cut off some possible bonuses?

Maybe for a time being... but i think that what this game really needs is more ways of attacking in different way.

Adding burst rounds for sniper guns could use helmets' explode stat and thus giving it a function (as well as thrown napalm vials into someone's face)

Firecrackers that work mostly like molotovs except every explosion wouldn't deal 15-25 damage but lets say 7x 5-10 damage - better for unarmored targets and worse against high fire DT

Adding diversity to dealing different kind of damage in different ways with different weapons and different character builds would add more interest to the game and a bit of uncertainty - Players would think; "Is this armor good enough? They might go at me with something i don't expect"

Some more armors made especially for purpose of resists like fire or explode would be nice too if such conditions were met

I read that Killgore will soon add different shotgun ammo. So i do hope this topic will be a food for thought for future implementations.

Any thoughts for now?

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