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Topics - The Account

Pages: [1]
Closed bugs / [minor] NPC blocking an entrance
« on: March 15, 2014, 11:38:14 am »
The NPC "JavonkaD" at Shady Sands blocking the entrance to Dusty's Cantina.

It's especially bad because newbies/new characters can't get some really important support perks from Hoss.

The Thunderdome / Some thoughts...
« on: March 04, 2014, 02:40:18 pm »
I don't know how much of the players noticed it, but the server is kind of dying.

... And when there are only ~200-300 daily players, (it's just my speculation) I think we shouldn't allow anyone to try to fuck over and abuse newbies.
I bet it's a lot of fun to some miserable, underage pricks to grief all day long, but it will surely deliver the finishing blow to the damn server.

What's the point of playing a game where there are only a handful of players left and most of them are griefers and/or part of one big faction?
To join their circlejerk over some newbs tears?

We need more players, some fresh blood!

Instead of abusing the newbs, help them!

But not by handing them all sorts of useless stuff.. no!
That way they will go soft, they are going to take giveaways for granted.

Help them to understand the game system, the mechanics and teach them how to avoid the scum of the wastes.
(Tell them about tentraping, theft, etc.. and how to avoid them.)

We all want to have a fun time playing the game, but not everyone finds joy in other people's constant downendings and in seeing 10+ noobs ragequitting in half an hour.



Ah, yeah... I nearly forgot!

If you see Potato Salad, Jim Kill, Corporal Ken, ILogan, or any of their associates and/or alts parading around the Hub downtown in power armors, trying to lure the new guys into their death-traps, just C4 the shit out of them!

The Thunderdome / Scripts...
« on: March 01, 2014, 03:03:24 pm »
I don't know if anybody else noticed this, but somebody is using scripted bots, multilogged.

Okay it's not in the game rules that you can't do this but dammit!
Using bots for lockerhunting (Burglar) and mining in public mines (Dig Man) ... and who knows what else for ... is just plain cheating.

Toxic Caves / Re: Prison(s)
« on: February 27, 2014, 09:41:26 pm »

Faction Announcements / Magyarok? Magyarok!
« on: February 22, 2014, 05:51:44 pm »
Szevasztok mindenki!

Eddig nagyon úgy tűnik, hogy egyetlen darab magyar(nyelvű) hozzászólás/topik sincs, úgyhogy ezért idebököm ezt, hogy lássátok, igen, vannak magyarok is a szerveren.
És a fórumon is.

Ha nagyon szeretnétek ezen a nyelven kommunikálni, hát regisztráljatok egy jót a fórumon!
Majd privát üzenetben megbeszéljük szépen, igényesen, hogy merre, hol, mikor tudunk játékon belül ütközni.

És ha esetleg éppen fakciót kerestek, vagy csak egy kis segítséget, ismét örömhírrel tudok szolgálni: VAN! ... Csak kérni köll.

Closed bugs / My companion dissappeared
« on: February 11, 2014, 03:15:20 pm »
We were on a caravan from the Fortress to the Hub and we were ambushed. I exited through the grid and expected my companion (Francis Reed, S.P.E.C.I.A.L. - 8 8 7 6 10 10 10, level 10-11, SG 155% ) to follow me, but I guess he died.

I told him beforehand to meet me up at one of my tents, but after this encounter, I couldn't find him at my nearest safehouse.
I checked my party points and the game said it was 100/150 at the time.

So, I started to systematically check all of my safehouses, but after I looked for him at 2 or three of them, I checked my party points again only to find out he's been vanished.
"Party points used: 0/150"

He was a really badass companion and I really want him to join back, so we can head out to the wastes once more to pulpify some mutants and take some names.

edit: Oh, yeah.. he had maximum loyalty at the time he dissappeared.

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