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Messages - Admiral Zombie

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General Game Discussion / Re: Dual logging in caravan
« on: June 04, 2015, 01:54:23 pm »
Caravan is PvP?

PvP is whenever one player interacts competitively with another player.  The location shouldn't matter, if it is town control, random encounter, Ares/Glow, or caravan.

Closed suggestions / Standardizing XP and caps value of items
« on: June 03, 2015, 12:14:56 am »
Idea is simple. It makes sense to me, but it may already be this way and I just haven't paid close enough attention, but...

Assign both a cap as well as XP value to each material component. Experience gain and base value are based around these values. Probably assign a small bonus to items which require a blueprint (10% or 15%?). What the value of each base component would be is a tough call, but can be figured out later.

Experience earned and base cap value from items become normalized, so that there isn't any one single item that outshines all others for leveling or making money. An item that has 1metal and 10gunpowder is just as efficient for leveling/making money as an item with 1metal and 5gunpowder. If an item has its components changed, so would its item value.

Spoiler: show

BONUS SUGGESTION: Provide xp/value bonus if it is a quality/improved/superior/advanced/unique item.

Suggestions / Re: Suggestion about crit table
« on: June 02, 2015, 12:57:49 am »
We still don't know if it's possible to make multiple rolls for SPECIAL check.
Sorry, forgot about this one.
With current crit table it's not possible to make multiple stat rolls for 1 crit roll. It's not impossible to add second roll but it's not 5min job to add it, not to mention testing it properly. So I would say possible but not any time soon because there are other things to finish first.

I always feel like 1/2 of all suggestions can be eliminated merely by coding/engine limitations of some kind.

Closed suggestions / Re: Super sledge
« on: June 01, 2015, 07:42:21 pm »
Why not go the TLA way and implement the evasion skill? 25% faster move speed and 25% to dodge any attack at 300% skill (like in your face). Apply penalties to wearing specific weapons/armor

Solves the tracking running people issue and gives HtH fighters better defence.

I do not think this would work that effectively. Considering the lack of a level cap, many other people would be able to work towards having maxed evasion, just as the hth. You would be better off implementing it as a perk that only works when both hands are empty.

Suggestions / Re: Making SPECIAL relevant
« on: May 31, 2015, 08:03:17 pm »
Stonewall used rarely? Youre kidding right? Almost every tank is a stonewall tank. And the only builds without adrenaline rush are some crit bursters or snipers/sneakers basically because the extra Dr and DT is so valuable without implants and hpa now. Strength also affects weapon drops so that is also a benefit. This was much more of an issue last session since you could more easily skip adrenaline rush because you could easily hit 90% Dr with hpa and dermals but even then stonewall was very important because of rocketspam and ko. Strength is fine as it is.

Though I agree it would be nice to see an Int rework because with gun skill books any build with more than 1 int is a fail and its only purpose is to reduce grind as you said.

It is used less often than many other perks, and is a more niche build. It is "rare" but not unused like some perks. What "rare" means can vary, but it isn't an important point. The point I was trying to make is that some of these SPECIAL's only purpose is to achieve some other ends, such as a perk.

I do agree that strength has far more use than intelligence. But going by common sense, it is harder to come up with new uses for intelligence than it is for strength. I was just throwing ideas out, moreso to get discussion started at the least, or to see if anyone could be inspired towards a better idea.

I think that SPECIAL points are good as they ar now.
But if you really want a change, I would suggest tying them with some perks the way Stonewall is tied with Strength, without lame nerfs or perk requirements taken out of someone's ass.
For example intelligence with some perk would give you crit resist bonus. The more int, the bigger the bonus is.

But still I would leave things as they are now, because there will always be a dump stat, no matter what you do...

I actually love this idea, +1 whole heartedly. I'm not sure of crit resist/bonus, but just the idea of new perks that scale with a SPECIAL stat. I'm all for new perks in general, anything that promotes and allows more varied buildcraft between characters.

I disagree completely with the final line about dump stats though. While nearly every build will probably have one or more dump stats, the goal I'm shooting for is that the dump stat will vary from character to character at least. What is the best stat to dump for one character may not be the same for another. As it is now, intelligence, charisma, and strength are the leading dump stats it seems like.

Sidenote, what are people's opinions about splitting up what some of the special do amongst other special while bumping up their current effectiveness slightly? Intelligence determining the speed of AP regeneration, while agility determines total AP, strength provides some resistances and healing rate (or provides more starting health), but endurance provides total health

And second sidenote: If SPECIAL were revised, would it make more sense to revise it alongside a revised set of perks and traits, combining dicussion and planning into one topic/project? Would weapon update have to be worked into there as well? It seems hard to balance each of these in a vacuum without consideration for what may be done to the other set of things as well in the future.

Are the devs even interested in that, or are they satisfied with where things are now and don't want to risk making things worse

Suggestions / Making SPECIAL relevant
« on: May 29, 2015, 11:27:03 pm »
Whenever I show up, I always end up making some suggestion to increase diversity of buildcraft... Right now strength, intelligence, and charisma are dump stats, and basically can be dropped to 1, allowing the "more useful SPECIAL" to all be nearly maxed out.

The most use these stats have are for a very small handful of perks. For strength there is adrenaline rush, and more rarely stonewall. Intelligence has uh....PvE stuff I guess. Maybe some builds which require a really high skill% for multiple perks, but that is usually doable with minimal change.

Other than that these two only serve as a means to reduce grind in the game, which is almost relevant only for newer players and those without a well funded faction to help supply them.

Charisma has more questionable worth, being a dumpstat since the dawn of fonline practically. I'm a little skeptical to touch it though, as I don't know where companion builds stand in the meta these days. I'll leave discussion of this to others, until I have a better opinion of it.

The easiest way to make these SPECIAL relevant again is to have various perks require higher levels of them. But that is boring I think and adds mostly tedium. It doesn't add anything to the current gameplay and should be avoided. Coming up with ideas to fix this is a lot harder than new ideas for perks and traits, and I'm struggling. Here are a handful of possibilities to pick and choose from...

Actual Suggestions rather than rambling below. Pick one or some.

-Larger effect on melee damage, possibly making melee builds more useful or relevant. Right now it only adds +1...5, and only changes from strength 7 to 10. Instead add 1or2 damage for every point in strength (+20 for 10 strength though? Not sure. But only 10 doesn't seem like a whole lot)
-Affects critical rolls for melee combat only, +1% critical roll for every point of strength.
-Partly affect health per level, to a lesser degree than endurance
-Each point adds 1% critical resist?

-Increase critical roll, +1% for every point of intelligence (ranged only? for all? A high intelligence AND high strength character with potentially +20% critical roll with SPECIAL alone would be rather interesting, but I'm not sure about balance. More importantly it would be different)
-Critical resist for head alone?
-this one is tougher, look at some of the radical suggestions set in the spoiler below for more.

Radical changes, to potentially more than just strength/intelligence
Spoiler: show

-Allow for "half" health so that taking an odd number for endurance is viable
-Have the rate of AP regeneration static, the same for all levels of agility. Agility thus allows a bigger initial blast, doing 2-4 attacks in a row immediately. For whatever reason, I associate this with 6pool zerg rush if that makes any sense...
-Alternative to the above, intelligence determines AP regeneration, while agility determines total AP potential. Thinking quick on your feet for intelligence, compared to quick initial reaction for agility.
-Intelligence determines the perk rate. Very radical, would highly suggest adding in more and rebalancing perks in general though. I think it is a really cool idea if perks could be overhauled in general.

In general I would like to see the necessity of agility reduced, without increasing the tedium and amount of time "waiting." If AP were split between agility and intelligence, I would highly suggest a slight increase to both, with 10int giving slightly faster AP gain than 10agility does now, and 10 agility would probably give slightly more than 10AP total.

This is all radical change though, and even I'm unsure if they're any good. But its out there for others to judge, consider, and inspire possibly.

Closed suggestions / Re: Bring back TC windows
« on: May 29, 2015, 01:27:46 am »
No one wants tto PvP because TC has been THE EXACT SAME THING FOR ALMOST 4+ YEARS!!!

5 years, actually. It's because nobody came up with a better idea of Town Control. Current TC is pretty much the same what was suggested by PvP gangs back in 2010. Other...attempts to make it more interesting failed miserably.

As a history lesson, what were the other attempts, and why did they fail, what did they lack that TC has?

Character builds / Re: Energy weapons sniper
« on: May 29, 2015, 12:41:42 am »
There are a handful of things to change to differentiate builds. An actual level cap is one, but I don't think that will happen, or even think it necessarily should happen.

Playing with the perks and traits is step one towards creating build diversity I think.

Creating actual need for certain SPECIAL like strength, charisma, and intelligence would help as well. Since it is possible to max out a skill even with 1 intelligence, means intelligence and strength are mostly negligible and can be dumped if you want to maximize everything else.

Charisma has historically been a dump stat in fonline since the earliest days, but I do suspect it has some more use than strength and intelligence for builds (mercenaries and such, but haven't followed the meta in that regard closely enough to know how it is. I'm playing with such a build at the moment and still tweaking.)

At its broadest builds are a balancing act of tanking and DPS. DPS can be split into a couple possibilities of criticals versus bursts for the most part. There is a small subset of disable based builds, but these are more of a support style (but with the skill system as it is, its easier for everyone to be a doctor to mend crippled limbs, so it comes down to more of knockouts and armor bypass)

I've always been a huge fan of the potential for buildcraft in fonline games. I've been trying to test things out and see what the meta is these days before I make any explicit suggestions though.

Game Help / Re: Char respec?
« on: May 26, 2015, 02:52:20 pm »

Haven't tried it yet myself, no guarantees but this should get you on the right track at least.

News and Announcements / Re: To Reload the Reloaded
« on: July 10, 2014, 03:59:44 am »
There is no ETA yet. If you don't play just because "there will be wipe", then you're doing wrong.

Or you don't like wasting hours of your life doing something that you know for all certainty is for nothing. I'd rather play other games where my actions mean something and come back after the wipe. The fact I don't even know when a wipe is happening, just that it has been foretold for months sucks all the pleasure out of the game. I don't mind wipes, they need to happen. I mind knowing about them

By this reasoning, why should I bother with fonline following the wipe? There may be some other wipe in the unknown far off distance. Hell, why bother doing any action, entropy kind of means none of our real world actions will really make a difference.

Closed suggestions / Re: Reloading the traits
« on: July 09, 2014, 11:39:08 pm »
Game engine. Don't rely completely on wiki, it lacks much information.

Under character registration, it says it is a reduction in carry weight in text, and shows a change in number. Both of the character planners also specifically show/mention reduction in carry weight while never mentioning knockdown. Going through the changelog doesn't mention anything about small frame as well.

Can you get a more specific citation?

Stuff about gifted

The current system allows for 8 perks, 6 if you have skilled (or the proposed gifted)

Using your example of a tanky character having less drawbacks, a tank character typically probably have the following perks.

Adrenaline Rush (3)
Toughness (6)
Even Tougher (9)
Lifegiver (12)
Lifegiver+ (15)
Lifegiver++ (18)
Man of Steel (21)
Stonewall (24)

And in all likelihood the tank has already taken small frame and bonehead, which for the most part cancel each other out in terms of total SPECIAL. Which of these perks would the tank drop? Because they're all pretty big important perks. First perk comes at level 4, and Adrenaline rush is the only the only perk you can viably choose from so you can't just drop that. From 8 on you would have roughly the same options but would have to make some cuts somewhere.

Maybe there are some build potentials that would be better. But thats kind of the point to a certain degree, to allow for a greater diversity of builds and play styles. I think you chose the absolutely worst example of tank characters though, since they rely so heavily on their perks. I think it would be easier to have more AP or more strength which would help with stonewall, or luck which I think helps with criticals maybe. But at a huge sacrifice of incredibly important perks.

It actually means a tradeoff, you're stronger in some areas but weaker in others. JUST AS A TRAIT SHOULD BE.

Are there any comments about the other suggested traits though? I don't think faster "run speed" is a good alternative to kamikaze, and I'm really unsure about the idea of being able to reload while moving, assuming it is even possible to code into the game by eliminating the animation or something. It still seems weak since you would have to stand still to regain AP to reload, and overall I'm not sure if anyone would ever grab it. It might be useful on some weird solo builds, but I don't see it changing much else.

Closed suggestions / Re: 'Restore' One-Hander
« on: July 09, 2014, 11:21:15 pm »
I think -1AP is a bad idea by itself. The more -AP to attack, the more effective it becomes. The decrease from 6 to 5 is not as strong as the decrease from 4 to 3. The first is a change of 16%, while the latter is a change of 25%

If it were significantly more limited, such as only to burst/aimed attacks (going off of my suggested traits post) then at least it can't be combined with the fast shot. But if it can be combined with fast shot then I think it is a little OP.

Closed suggestions / Re: Reloading the traits
« on: July 09, 2014, 02:06:31 pm »
I'm a little surprised people think the gifted one is OP. As it is now most PvP builds seem to often have 1charisma, and 1-2 intelligence. I think I read someone saying really low strength considering it is easy to just level up through crafting enough that you get the stat to 300%

So then it becomes ridiculously easy to get max agility, luck, and endurance. Perception being the determining factor in how much else you want of the other set.

Being short 2 perks is rather huge I think. People would actually have to decide if they want to drop their toughness set, their critical hit chance set, bonus ranged damage set, action boy set, lifegivers, etc. And the gains of higher special doesn't make that significant of a difference. If anything my thought was this trait wasn't strong enough because it was so easy to skimp on certain SPECIAL in the current system.

If there were perks with higher special requirements, then this trait would probably be worth it for some builds. As it is now it is overly easy to reach the requirements of most of the perks. If it were implemented in the current system then I don't think I would take it myself to be honest.

And whats this about small frame already having a higher knockdown chance? Where are you getting that?

Closed suggestions / Reloading the traits
« on: July 09, 2014, 04:26:07 am »
Many of the traits are rather useless, in part due to the unlimited levels bit which invalidates or makes trivial a few of them, or the ease of storage or alternate characters which invalidates several others.

Plus I'm interested to see what kind of differences people can come up with if some of the traits were significantly changed in general. I love having a variety of fighting styles, I hate when everyone out there is the same cookie cutter build.

I'll post the suggested trait and idea, and then in a spoiler tag following that will be my reasoning/opinions

Skilled- (rename to Gifted?)
* You gain 7 SPECIAL points to distribute as you choose (essentially +1 to each special)
* New perks available every 4 levels instead of the regular 3
Spoiler: show
As it is now skilled is a useless trait and would be replaced entirely by this. There is never a time when skill points is worth more than perks. As far as I know, it is a trait used exclusively for crafter alts to get the desired skill point levels as fast as possible. This would be a very interesting trait, and probably not picked up quite so often considering how valuable perks are. However the idea of a much higher endurance, perception, agility AND luck might tempt some if they're willing to drop some of their perks. It would be interesting option to test/experiment with at least.

Oh and to be honest I did in fact get this idea from the fallout wiki mentioning the gifted trait for the J.E. Sawyer Fallout RPG

Small Frame
* +1 to agility
*  Your Limbs are more easily crippled (+10% [5%?] critical rolls and/or critical chance to arms/legs attacks)
* OR All critical hits against the legs will knock you down
* OR Critical hits in general have a slightly higher knockdown chance (attacks that would knock you down occur one critical category lower on the critical roll table)
Spoiler: show
I'm a little worried that the penalties are a little strong, but agility and AP are so very important that it is important to have an equally debilitating penalty as the bonus. In singleplayer fallout the penalty to carry weight is very troublesome since players are expected to carry around a lot more stuff on their person than fonline. But even then it was an easy pick since players typically got the car, and had multiple followers. Its even worse in fonline considering players typically carry as little as they can possibly manage, and looting a ton of stuff isn't as important as it use to be (especially later into the season as munition stockpiles begin to skyrocket). And finally it doesn't really add a significant penalty that alters how players try and play while fighting, it just adds tedium of inventory management slightly.

* Reloading weapons does not require an animation (run and reload at the same time in real time combat!)
* -10 (15?) DR (And maybe -15AC as well)
Spoiler: show
I'm not even sure if this is possible to code. Or if it is acceptable to have a trait that is effectively only useful for real time. It might be worth having the quick pockets perk wrapped in with a reduction to 1ap to make it somewhat useful for turn based if it is really necessary to make such concessions. Being able to move and reload is already really powerful I think though, so I don't think that is necessary personally.

I particularly like the idea of this trait, as it significantly changes the way players can play. It is easier to use hit and run strategies, or to keep chasing a target without having to worry about reloading to keep attacking. At the same time survival is extremely important, and it becomes a tradeoff of defense for mobility. It gives way more incentive to get the quick pockets perk as well I think

One Hander
*  Aimed and burst attacks with 1 handed weapons costs -1AP when the off hand is empty
* Aimed and burst attacks with 2 handed weapons costs +1AP.

Spoiler: show
This one is a bit more difficult. I wanted to come up with something that allows for some change in play style, that can be actually useful in certain circumstances. With the unlimited level bit, and overall lack of need for skill points in general, it is too easy to get the necessary skillpoints to have 100% chance to hit.

Not particularly keen on this suggested change myself. It is better than the current trait definitely, but it is hugely dependent on the current idea for next wipe that weapons cannot be crafted with -1AP anymore. The power of -1AP grows exponentially stronger the more of them a player can accumulate. If there are still readily available, or even available at all weapons which can have -1AP then I would strongly advise against the first suggestion for balance reasons.

I think it is important to require the off hand being empty. It would be too easy to use up the clip of one gun, and just swap to the other gun. There needs to be a few restrictions, and it makes some sense (I see the second item slot being the second hand, or dual wielding)

I might come back later and post some alternate suggestions to this one if I can come up with something else

That's it for alteration of existing perks. There are a few other perks though that I think should be dropped and replaced entirely. Good natured, bloody mess, bruiser, loner, and maybe one hander would be good fits for replacement entirely I think. I'll come back another time and try posting some wholly unique traits...or just blatantly steal and modify some different ones from other fallout games.

"Good artists borrow, Great artists steal"

Closed suggestions / Re: New perks and support perks for next season
« on: July 08, 2014, 02:31:45 am »
I'm always for more perks, and some of these are good, while others are questionable in either usefulness or balance. But rather than just complain about how useless I'll try and be constructive and suggest how they can be made useful.

In general most of these have too high of a level requirement IMO. In general a -3 level requirement for all of them would be slightly better.

Death sense is ridiculously strong, unless it only counts for a single attack once you go below 70%. And even then that won't be very useful for burst attacks, and I'm not sure how it would deal with things like AoE damage that you're in range for. If it only counted for a single attack (or somehow for each bullet for a single burst) once you've gone under 25%, and then have a 3 minute cooldown, then it would be fine IMO. In most cases people would just die before then when they're shot while at 30%-50% hp anyways

Mutate is pretty shitty for the reason others have explained. Instead just use it to allow a 3rd trait, rather than changing one of the two. The biggest problem is most of the traits are pretty shitty as they are and wouldn't be worth it as a perk. Definitely not worth a level 15 or even 12 perk. Probably should be a level 6 or 9 perk at most. But that does depend heavily on the traits available if they're ever updated.

Tag is useless at level 15, especially considering the unlimited levels thing. If you put it at a lower level, it would pretty much be used exclusively for crafting/barter alts. Unlike mutate I don't really see a means to make this one good.

I loved Mysterious Stranger in TLA mk2, but it had some serious problems that would have to be dealt with.
-It made for a risk free farming of other players, you just sneak and attack the target in the shittiest gear, and let the stranger fight. If he wins, cool you get whatever that person had. If he loses, oh well you either sneak away or lose crap gear. This is easily solved by having the stranger possess the same traits companions are about to get, where he cannot attack players.
-Extremely limited use of random encounters. It would be for mostly PvE players or farm alts who only fight in random encounters? I can't imagine many other uses. If there were a way to allow it in certain PvE locations like the rocket silo or the glow however, while still limiting the PvP option. Or create a lot more PvE encounter possibilities to fight in...

Break the Rules is really cool I think, although the only concern is that most of the perks in the game are ridiculously easy to get (requirement wise) and you would rarely if ever need it. If more perks were added in general that had more difficult SPECIAL requirements, then yeah it would maybe be worth it on some builds.

I disagree with the idea that hit the deck is too weak. IMO it would be extremely useful for point blank attacks with grenades or rockets. It is a little on the weak side, but I wouldn't say too weak. Probably adding a flat 10% explosive DR and then the 50% splash reduction would be enough if it is too weak. Although in the code,  is there a distinction between being struck by the splash damage and being struck directly?

No comment on the support perks though. Not that interested in such things personally.

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