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Topics - GenericoScout

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Closed suggestions / Change NPC AI in PVE
« on: April 07, 2014, 12:49:51 am »
Just saw a few mercenaries ignore 5-6 hostile NPCs and went straight for me the PC.

This may have been intended but what happened was that they walked into a group of Hubologists and got GIbbed by nades and SMG's.

I didn't even have to move and got to loot a few of the bodies myself.

When there are multiple hostile groups sometimes they both run towards the PC which is cool with me.

This may be a bug but it seems like they're coded to go for the PC more often than other NPC's, This AI can be exploited when there are both hostile and friendlies on a map by just moving in a circle and letting the NPC's do the work. I've even exploited this on RT before so its no a TB only "exploit".

Closed suggestions / Change the Bounty Hunters.
« on: April 07, 2014, 12:11:32 am »
I like how easy they are to become hostile really sets in the mood, but when was the last time you've heard about organized bounty hunting groups?

Most people aren't too keep to split the bounty/reward money.

I'm fine with replacing the current bounty hunters by having them called mercenaries instead. But when I find bounty hunters it should be a group of 3 people tops and usually a lone wolf.

Probably an OP tough lone wolf with good/OK gear.

This isn't a nerf. I just want the current bounty hunters to be called mercenaries is all. Maybe Wasteland Mercs.

So I usually go around showing newbies the ropes, but today I decided to run around in circles and follow people throughout the town.

In response most new players either try to shoot me or steal from me.
This ends up getting them killed more often than not.

SO I propose that we have guards tell any bluesuits: Steal in town and get shot, or Fight in town and get shot at least once every 5 minutes.

Also to have a big ole sign near the caravans at the front reiterating this.

Any comments?

Sell / Vendor Trash
« on: April 05, 2014, 03:13:45 am »
2 Psychic Nullifiers
4 Upgrded Power Servos
1 Speed Loader
7 Rocks
2 Red COC badge
1 Motion Sensor
2 Flares
2 Ball gags
3 Fuzzy Paintings
4 First aid manuals
1 Shiv

Willing to sell the entire set or each item by itself.
Will wait until ~3 offers before deciding to sell the entire set.

Game Help / Do you get extra skill points for INT crafting bonuses?
« on: April 05, 2014, 12:53:18 am »
Do you get extra skill points for INT crafting bonuses?

I don't think I do but I didn't see any notes telling me this for sure.

General Game Discussion / I find it hilarious that...
« on: April 04, 2014, 11:42:29 pm »
Oil prices are so high among players, it truly fits the fallout atmosphere doesn't it?

Game Help / Will slaves run away if I log off of a tent map?
« on: April 04, 2014, 05:29:33 am »
I remembered reading that they will if I log off at a mine, Is the same about bases/Tents?

Closed suggestions / Kick followers with a radio.
« on: April 04, 2014, 03:39:20 am »
Even if I lose a follower I can't get another be it a brahmin or a wastelander.

If I could leave a radio on them then dismiss them post mortem or when convienent if they're stuck somewhere that'd be great.

Closed bugs / Entering combat in Guarded towns. Using thrown items
« on: April 02, 2014, 06:37:55 pm »
If one tosses an explosive throwing item using the tilde key they'll enter combat letting them loot from the side areas of the map.

Closed suggestions / Unlimited Tents/Safe Houses or 100+
« on: April 02, 2014, 06:32:15 pm »
The limit has not effect when having alts is perfectly within the rules.

The only thing that changes is another trip to a gas station and keeping in mind who can make maps where.

So why not just make the limit an obscenely high number or if possible remove it entirely?

Now for people saying that I'll never need more than 10 tents anyway Just FYI I plan on using at least 46 after the wipe and am currently using about 20.

Closed suggestions / Minimum Outdoorsman to avoid players
« on: April 01, 2014, 09:17:11 am »
Instead of having a bit of random chance and contest between outdoorsman stats. I'd like it if Outdoorsman if above say 150 simply tells you what game mode the player is in RT vs TB then allows you to avoid the player or join in on the fun based on that.

There's always going to be alot of flak with RT vs TB even with the minimum AP, I've killed a level 40 with 300 HP as a level 7 with 60 HP due to TB; minimum AP not related since I bursted.

I think everyone will be happier if TB stays in PVE and RT stays in PVP. It'll end the complaints about TB traps since then it'll be the player's fault for either not investing in a skill or springing the trap on himself. Kudo's if he wins.

General Game Discussion / Single Shots in TB
« on: April 01, 2014, 09:11:45 am »
Gonna miss em, not because of people screaming TB trap but because of finishing off PVE encounters.
Its a blatant nerf, unless the AP is RAISED, I find no reason to take Fast shot. Since I'd lose out on aiming(an issue late game for me), I can just take bonus rate of fire then use -1AP guns (Or maybe instead of having a minimum just remove the -1AP altogether).

I'd like to discuss this a little bit, I really hope that We can keep single shots for PVE, I could careless about TB PVP  or even RT. I fancy myself a casual PVE gamer and I'd like to keep to my bubble. I'd appreciate it if others would keep that as well instead of screaming when they can't invade my personal space.

I usually make use of single shots to make full use of my AP, if reload in TB were to become 1 AP, I don't think anyone would really make a huge case on that, If I have one lousy point left that gets wasted I'd be pretty bummed.

Its obvious that TB gives advantages to members that build their entire characters around it, but maybe we should make all human encounters give TB/RT data on the party being encountered. That way if an RT player stumbles into a TB "Trap" they can simply say NOPE, and run with their tails between their legs, and vice versa for the PVE player finding an RT Veteran.

Maybe instead of removing single shots entirely there could be a limit on how many 1 ap single shots a player can have per round or deal with the long lasting TB vs RT difference in a completely different way? If single shots are way too OP for even PVE encounters than it'll be considered an exploit rather than a feature. Which I obviously won't like if it were to be removed, but understand why it needs to go.

So far however the issue isn't that PVE TB builds are OP for PVE but for PVP. Thus instead of just nerfing the build to satisfy RT gamers  we should deal with why its an issue for PVP players -cause they can't check RT vs TB.

Outdoorsman is a very useful trait so I would think that the 1 INT PVP'ers should invest more heavily in books, that'll allow them to avoid encounters.

Just few a passing thoughts.

Fast shot doesn't affect Bursts at all -HK would then be 1 AP bursts if this was so
With the minimum all weapons will be 2 AP at least.

This does make fast shot a good early perk but a burden long run.

-1 AP craft
- Bonus rate of fire.

Those two affect bursts, Fast shot does not affect bursts

With regular shots being 4 AP with the Crafting Bonus, 3 AP than add B. Rate of fire now 2 AP. If there's a minimum than as long as you have a quality or above fire arm Fast shot is a liability.

If the regular shot costs 5 AP than Fast shot still has its place, and might be vital as that 1 huge AP cost could mean life or death. Probably why the original had 5 AP for regular weapons.

Melee however has reason to be exempt from a hard 2 AP reduction IMO, its pretty under powered by nature. It'd be OP if tied into throwing though as you could become quite a power house for a few stats.

As is 1 AP weapons double the rate of fire a weapon originally for single shots. Another way of seeing this is that you can burst with no range nor damage reduction(Honestly if you need 3 perks to do this its not OP). Also this allows for greater versitility and mobility in combat. In PVE this is staggering, and in PVP not much changes to be honest but less wasted AP as even when bursting first turn is usually easy win. Make a TB PVP build with 12 natural AP -2 to bursts from perk + crafting and you can get 3 Minigun bursts or 3 rockets in, not to mention a possible knockdown effect.

Single shot spamming is not the issue at the core. Its simple TB vs RT. Spamming is just another tool of the issue. Honestly if its just PVP related I don't think a nerf is in order. If its PVE I totally agree a nerf is in order although not welcome.


Closed suggestions / Worthless Ideas, May update from time to time.
« on: March 31, 2014, 06:04:32 am »
Wearable Necklaces.
Dog tags (Will have your named etched upon DEATH)

No Bonuses nor change in appearance.
You won't even notice unless you've got awareness.

Why? It'd be Fun.

Buy / Frag Mines
« on: March 30, 2014, 10:16:12 pm »
Me want, Tell me your prices. Post or PM.

Willing to trade Caps or non High Quality materials.

I've also have a few junk armors laying around and weapons. Nothing great though.

Suggestions / Broken Power Armor
« on: March 30, 2014, 10:10:34 pm »
A junk item found on farmed BoS Paladins. Broken APA can be found from dead Enclave troopers.

I feel like this should also be the case when killing other players because I remembered a BOS paladin from Fallout 1 saying that if you're killed in  power armor it should be so shredded up to be worthless. And the process to manufacture the armor has been lost to all but the Enclave.

This item can not be fixed, nor can it be equipped.

Maybe the item can be turned into a suit of (NCR) Heavy Trooper Armor by buying an Air purifier from Renesco        (2K caps) and crafting it at an advanced work bench (250 EXP).

The item if it can be crafted would just be VERY heavy Metal Armor MK2(Maybe Combat Armor MK2), and a cosmetic trophy item.


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