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Topics - Adams

Pages: [1] 2
Suggestions / Npc reaction time
« on: September 08, 2017, 08:34:43 pm »
Make npcs wait a bit longer before they start attacking because people with wooden computers (like me) sometimes appear with their HP already halfway through.
Ps Dont start with the "just use turn base" i dont wanna use turn based.
Pps If there is any reason why they ought to act right away dont hold back from illuminating me please.

Suggestions / militia tweaks.
« on: November 06, 2015, 04:52:17 pm »
Militia dont interfere with player vs player interaction. No more bb gun noob tagging.
Militia protects everyone with level lower than 24 no matter who the attacker is.
Mlitia reacts only when being shot at or when someone tries to take the town (npc dialogue).

This way it would work something for something. Wanna have advantage in town control? Good but say goodbye to killing every noob on sight. Feel strong and wanna kill noobs? Good,who can stop you? But dont expect 6npcs to safe your sorry ass after them noobs gonna get their retaliation.

Closed suggestions / Helmets
« on: September 22, 2015, 02:24:55 pm »
Helmet resist if not matched with appropriate armor would be lowered somewhat like this:

Hpa+Hpa helmet = 100% protection
Hpa+Pa helmet = 75%
Hpa+everything else = 50%
Pa+Pa helmet = 100%
Pa+Hpa helmet = 75%
Pa+everything else = 50%
Ea+Camk2/Ba/Ra/Eamk2 helmet = 100%
Ea+Ca helmet = 75%
Ea+anything else = 50%
Ra+Camk2/Ba/Ea/Eamk2 helmet = 100%
Ra+Ca helmet = 75%
Ra+everything else 50%
Ba+Camk2/Ea/Ra/Eamk2 helmet = 100%
Ba+Ca helmet = 75%
Ba+everything else = 50%
CAmk2+Camk2/Ea/Ba/Ra/Eamk2 helmet = 100%
CAmk2+Ca helmet = 75%
CAmk2+anything else = 50%
Ca+Ca helmet = 100%
Ca+Camk2/Ba/Ra/Ea/Eamk2 helmet = 75%
Ca+everything else = 50%
Tesla armor+Tesla helmet = 100%
Tesla armor+Metal mask/mk2/Camk2/Ea/Ba/Ra/Eamk2 helmet= 75%
Tesla armor+everything else = 50%
Metal armor mk2+Metal mask mk2 = 100%
Metal armor mk2+Metal mask/Camk2/Ba/Ra/Eamk2/Tesla helmet = 75%
Metal armor mk2+everything else = 50%
Metal armor+Metal mask = 100%
Metal armor+Metal mask mk2/Tesla/Camk2/Ba/Ra/Eamk2 helmet = 75%
Metal armor+everything else = 50%
Leather armor mk2+Leather helmet mk2 = 100%
Leather armor mk2+Leather helmet = 75%
Leather armor mk2+everything else = 50%
Leather armor+Leather helmet = 100%
Leather armor+Leather helmet mk2 = 75%
Leather armor+everything else = 50%
Combat leather jacket+Combat leather helmet = 100%
Combat leather jacket+Leather jacket/Leather armor/mk2 helmet = 75%
Combat leather jacket+everything else = 50%
Leather jacket+Leather helmet = 100%
Leather jacket+Combat leather jacket/Leather armor/mk2 helmet = 75%
Leather jacket+everything else = 50%
Police uniform/Bridgekeeper+Camk2/Ea/Ba/Ra/Eamk2/Ca = 100%
Police uniform/Bridgekeeper+everything else = 50%

Imho this could solve the tesla helmet problem as well as make sneakers more vulnerable against aimshots as they are supposed to.

Suggestions / New melee/unarmed attack mode
« on: September 21, 2015, 09:37:28 am »
At this moment close combat works like - you click on the character-your character starts chasing untill it closes in and attacks.

Now my idea is to add an attack mode navigated manually. Could work simillar to hex shooting except the effective range would be based on the range of each weapon used.

Example: me using a sledgehammer seeing an enemy 30 hexes from myself,i click on him,my character makes the animation looses the ap and bashes the air with the hammer. But if i gets close enough and i bash him while he is within the range hes gonna get hit.

Now this would be way harder to play therefore appropiate bonus should be applied whether it would be auto crit,bonus crit roll,auto knockdown/knockback,could depend on the weapon too.

Could apply to auto kd on power fisting too makin it less annoying or atleast making you actually play to get the kill not just click and wait.

Speak your mind but try to stick to the topic please.

Closed suggestions / Implants
« on: September 21, 2015, 08:49:26 am »
Pretty please get rid of the second level of nemean dermal and phoenix so folks with less time could stand better chance against hardcore players.

Suggestions / Shotgun single shot wonderfull
« on: August 13, 2015, 07:36:00 pm »
Give shotgun singleshots crit roll bonus based on the range for example :                  1hex-10roll
                                                                                                                      3hex-6roll etc you get the point.

In case you wondering why the hell lemme explain:           No one will ever use shotgun single shot except some scorpion hunters
                                                                                  223 14mm or any other pistol easily outpreform any shotgun except bursts

To yall realism seekers lemme explain: shotgun point blank in real life way more critical effects thus crit roll.

So yeah thats it! More love for shotguns!

Closed suggestions / Melee
« on: July 03, 2015, 09:21:21 am »
Thinking melee weapons with range could deal more damage when attacking from onehex distance. Adding crit chance/roll,reducing damage resistance or maybe something else. Discuss.

Closed suggestions / Super sledge
« on: May 21, 2015, 12:54:12 pm »
Super sledge as a top tier close combat weapon is (even after recent boost) very weak and almost unplayable.

All because:  1. low range,if you dont crit you just get onehexed right off,you cant hit and run because the animation takes too long.
                  2. 95% of all characters have high normal damage resistance

Therefore the Don suggest boosting its range from 2 to 4 and changing damage type from normal to either fire or explosive.

Lets discuss!

Closed suggestions / Psycho rework
« on: February 05, 2015, 03:33:26 pm »
Psycho is just another must have drug costing it only 2 pe which is like nothing since the special count is increased by implants and almost no special reqiurements on intelligence you can easily use psycho on any characters ingame,so i suggest while being high on  psycho you wont be able to move faster than walking.

Closed suggestions / anti carebear solution
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:14:15 pm »
You know that feeling when you roam the wasteland for hours and you cant find nobody to fight against? My faction know it very well therefore i suggest making all bases and tents visible for everyone so there wont be no place to hide.This should bring some refreshment into pvp and also make wasteland more harsh as its supposed to. No more hiding and avoiding!

Closed suggestions / Avenger minigun
« on: January 11, 2014, 08:40:33 pm »
Give avanger minigun instakill option in case of onehex so it would have its advantage against all those crazy pancor gatling builds.
Also this option should be working only with 3brd perks to prevent max hp tanks trying to onehex everything.

Closed suggestions / Tesla helmet
« on: January 04, 2014, 01:21:26 pm »
Share your thoughts about tesla helmet. In my opinion tesla helmet is op as fuck,no matter what ew aimshot are you using
youre unable to kill a player wearing a tesla helmet not even with a pulse rifle and please dont tell me to use groin shots.

Closed suggestions / Crit roll
« on: January 01, 2014, 02:39:27 pm »
Add 10 base crit roll to Plasma rifle and gauss weapons to make them usefull.
At this moment a good sniper rifle is the same if not even better than gauss weapons and its easily craftable,same
goes for plasma noone is using plasma because compared to laser rifle its worse,low range and dmg is only slightly better.
This suggestion would make them usefull while not making crap weapons OP if crit table got changed.

Auctions / Rusty Highway
« on: December 28, 2013, 04:10:39 pm »
60k starting bid
180k buyout

Buy / Police uniforms
« on: December 28, 2013, 12:40:48 pm »
Buying police uniforms pm me with price.

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