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Messages - Henry

Pages: 1 ... 78 79 [80]
Spiritwind, I'm in USA too so if you want to start a new faction, count me in. I like to craft stuff and I am level 43, still on my lead character so far but I will start a few fighters when I find a source for better gear. Then I want to get better at fighting so I can handle some PvP. Until then I am making things, selling stuff, saving caps, piling basic gear, and exploring the map.

General Game Discussion / Re: All known special encounters
« on: September 23, 2013, 03:50:41 am »
I was with a friend when he found this vbird enc. The coolest enc ever! Yes i'm sure you can handle it solo with those stats. I had a flamer but ran out of fuels so i ended up punching the boss rat to death with only Unarmed 100, Leather Armor 2, ST 6 and 12 action points. He had 280+ hps! Yes they swarm you but keep fighting. Key is in a really cool place you have to find it and you'll be glad you kept looking. Also found 3 caps, a gold watch and a lighter, some junk, that pistol and small ammo.

No we did not get pics inside - too busy saying how cool it was. Downstairs it is a wide sewer layout, very neat, with two ways back up to street level. Don't give in to impatience and pick the vehicle - keep searching for the key.

Closed bugs / Re: no extraction zone
« on: September 22, 2013, 05:44:08 pm »
I remember that. It is there. Try the very bottom left. Use F4 to hide your control panel.

Game Help / Re: Creating a party
« on: September 21, 2013, 10:10:39 pm »
You can also create a tent solo, then upgrade the firepit with 3 wood. Click campfire to get options, rename the tent, then create a map to it. Share map with other characters and they can see it. Be careful sharing tents though, and be careful where you leave those maps (or throw them into fire to destroy them). 10 tents per character means you and your brother, with only 1 character each, can have 20 safe places on whole map, shared. Add new characters? They can read those same maps too so you won't have to start over.

Closed suggestions / Re: Toolboard vs Inventory
« on: September 21, 2013, 08:15:29 pm »
How can you see everything you have piled on 1 hex? I can see exactly what I have stored in a toolboard with exact counts.

Closed suggestions / Re: Toolboard vs Inventory
« on: September 21, 2013, 07:54:08 pm »
No we put things in the toolboard so we see a count of what we have. Your floor method sounds messy and there's only so many hexes 1-hex from the workbench. Far more items than that duh.

Closed suggestions / Re: Private Mine sharing
« on: September 21, 2013, 07:33:42 pm »
Good idea I say.

Closed suggestions / Toolboard vs Inventory
« on: September 21, 2013, 07:31:46 pm »
Idea is to have crafting options enabled in Fixboy based on what materials you have added to the workbench's toolboard, rather than only what is in character's inventory. This would eliminate the need to shift items from toolboard to inventory just to craft what the workbench should already see.

This idea could potentially lead to some advanced manufacturing features later, where characters can tons of raw materials into a "machine", then set the machine to craft for you. This might require an additional GUI so just a dream for now.

Game Help / Re: QUEST - BoS: Investigate the red object
« on: September 10, 2013, 02:01:03 am »
Did you try talking to the BoS guys at San Fran? Or somewhere else? Not sure man. Mine worked last year but I only did this a few times. If I remember right, all I had to do was click the red object (if even that?) and I got some text about reporting back to BoS but I won't bet on it.

If nobody else helps you before I join BoS and try it myself, I will tell you what I find but I bet someone else will help you before I get that chance.

Game Help / Re: QUEST - BoS: Investigate the red object
« on: September 08, 2013, 07:57:12 pm »
The red object is not suspicious to you or to me. It is suspicious only to the NPCs who sent you on this quest. So look for any red object there, in Chris' area. I can tell you if you give up but I don't want to totally spoil it.

Game Help / Re: QUEST - BoS: Investigate the red object
« on: September 07, 2013, 09:29:09 pm »
"Solving this little mystery of the red object is easier than you might expect. If the enclave guards are killing you, you're trying too hard. Pay attention to dialogue when you first get this quest; you are told exactly where to go to find the red object. "

Taken from here.

So when you are talking to Chris, what red object is there nearby?

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