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Messages - Crak

Pages: [1] 2
Events & Competitions / Re: Russian roulette again! Be winner or be dead!
« on: February 28, 2014, 04:08:34 am »
PM Sent. Anybody know if ~rr is luck based?  ;D

General Game Discussion / Brotherhood Tyranny in NCR
« on: December 01, 2013, 05:12:21 am »
So there I was minding my own business in NCR, coming down off of the 30 billion gigarads I had accumulated from sexing up ghoul hookers in the Glow, whereupon I spy a metal-clad gentlemen near the entrance with an interesting name: Paladin Hendrickson.

I figured resembling a walking glowstick would be a good icebreaker for some idle smalltalk while I killed some time, so I headed on over to strike up a conversation. But apparently, I resembled some other, more sinister character, because he immediately mistook me for a spy and cut me in half with his high-powered laser pistol.

Naturally I was intrigued...

Oh yeah, there was also a Brotherhood quartermaster there, too.

Several other players were quite upset at being melted by these stuck up technofucks, and I quickly devised a solution.

One that involved dynamite.


Using my cunning intellect, I hypothesized that a different method of delivering the bomb might work better. deliver things...caravans too... course! BRAHMIN BOMB!

So ingenious...

Come on!!

Finally I decided enough was enough. I was going to ice these fuckbags once and for all. I strapped on some combat armor mk2, loaded up my m60, shot up some psycho and downed an ice-cold brewski to steel my nerves for a suicide mission rambo-style in NCR.

When I got there, I stared down the quartermaster for a while. You can tell how intimidated he his, because he can't even look me in the eye.

Well for some reason, the NCR guards opened up on me as soon as I splattered them all over the ground, but that's fine. I took out both of them and took those sniper rounds to the temple in strides. Until it became a lead hailstorm against my brain bucket, that is. After I fell, a crowd quickly swarmed over to congratulate me on my unbelievable bravery, freeing them from the tyranny of the Brotherhood of Steel.

All was good. Thery were gone forever...


Well, on my way out I saw this and I think this pretty much sums up NCR.

News and Announcements / Re: Server maintenance.
« on: December 01, 2013, 12:32:41 am »
Well, I remember how it looked alike on 2238, Kilgore made it well, belive me people it could be much, much worst.

Oh God, those constant wipes. It made you wonder why you even bothered to play when you know all your progress would be gone at the end of the year or less...

Game Help / Re: WIKI errors or problems!!!!
« on: December 01, 2013, 12:19:52 am »
Correct. I did not see the option to craft Stimpaks until after using the appropriate blueprints.

I was able to craft it after I got Doctor 2 'and' learned the blueprint. That makes sense. No problems there.

The wiki page states the following:

"There is a blueprint in-game for this item. However it is not needed to be able to craft Super Stimpaks. You can do that once you've gotten Profession: Doctor [2]."

Wiki has been updated. Thanks for the help!

Game Help / Re: WIKI errors or problems!!!!
« on: November 30, 2013, 10:07:53 pm »
Wiki entry for super stimpak states incorrectly that no blueprint is needed.

You have Doctor Profession rank 2 and you still cannot craft?

Auctions / Re: Game Master Flower Child Implant Auction
« on: November 26, 2013, 06:32:25 pm »
Motoko bid was removed while he didnt send me proof.

Current bids:

Nemean Armor - 13000
Phonix implant - 8950
Probobility couculator - 1950
Logic Co - 4000
Optic enhancer - 3300
Hypertrophy Accelerator - 550
Reflex Booster - 1000
Nociception Regulator - 500
Dermal Impact Armor - 1000
Empathy Synthesizer - 1000

Do not forget my bid! I offered 800 flowers on nuka fridge, page 4.

Auctions / Re: Game Master Flower Child Implant Auction
« on: November 26, 2013, 01:56:13 pm »
800 on that nuka fridge my good sir!  8)

Sell / Combat Armor MKII for Broc Flowers!
« on: November 24, 2013, 09:40:02 pm »
I'm selling combat armor mk2 and combat helmet mk2's of various quality for various amounts of broc flowers!
You get both the fashionable suit and the stylish helmet! What a steal!

80% for x125 ----- (1 left)
70+% for x100 ----- (8 left)
60+% for x75 ----- (11 left)
50+% for x50 ----- (10 left)
40+% for x25 ----- (11 left)
30+% for x25 ----- (1 left)

PM or post offers, and I'll meet you in Barter Ground to conclude the deal!

Then kill them and get thier ore, there arent almost any other ways to use bots (i know few other but not much effective) then mining in public mines, but yes, it should be against rules but..
even best companies cant prevent players from boting, almost everyone who know how to use bots is using them.. they are in every single mmorpg, its nothing special anymore in year 2013
every time you are going to play some mmorpg (or multiplayer arpg) be sure there will be bots

and all they can do in fonline is mining in public mines which results in killing them because everyone already know they are boting in klamath mine.. i dont care about them..

Yeah, but no other game ALLOWS them to be used. Not even EVE Online, which is similar in how much freedom players have to kill and cheat each other. Well maybe not totally similar, safe zones in EVE Online are actually safe!  :P

« on: November 14, 2013, 08:35:00 pm »
Due to the recent surge in new players, there has likewise been a large increase in suicide bombings within NCR.

All new players are advised to avoid large crowds, suspicious characters, and, as always, to store valuables in their anal cavaties.

This has been an emergency broadcast message.

Game Help / Re: Private mining specifics please
« on: November 14, 2013, 05:41:21 pm »
Wiki has been edited for clarity and updated with section on using slaves:

Is everything there correct? Does anything need to be added or changed?

Game Help / Re: WIKI errors or problems!!!!
« on: October 31, 2013, 12:08:56 am »
This would be a good thread to sticky. It could be a central place for everyone to discuss and coordinate wiki corrections. Unless something like that already exists?

Closed bugs / Re: i cant minimize from game in fullscreen to desktop
« on: October 29, 2013, 12:32:18 pm »
I have had this problem as well, using FalloutGL.exe instead worked for me.

Closed suggestions / Re: Player Venders
« on: October 29, 2013, 12:26:02 pm »
Awesome idea!

Closed suggestions / Waterpipe(s) for Barter Ground!
« on: October 22, 2013, 03:30:05 pm »
It would make it convenient for traders with brahmin caravans to refuel, maybe increase traffic and make it seem more lively. :)

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