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Messages - Boon

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
Suggestions / Re: Idolized Reputation Mechanic
« on: June 06, 2015, 12:14:10 pm »

Toxic Caves / WTS a few things
« on: May 27, 2015, 06:34:12 am »
250 Super Sims - 50k
6x Fuel Cell Controllers - 15k ea
9x Frag Mines - 6k ea
Combat Armor blueprint - 60k

Books - 750 caps ea-
19x Guns & Bullets
14x Scout Handbooks

-500 caps ea-
30x Deans Electronics
38x Big Books of Science
39x Tales of Junktown Jerky Vendor

Crafter Joe, Hub entrance

Perhaps you have the Loner trait?

General Game Discussion / Re: Single Player/CO-OP
« on: August 03, 2014, 06:30:00 am »
I don't consider myself another "new guy", in fact I'm quite the veteran in the fallout games, Maybe not reloaded but definitely in the other ones (I finished them all actually).

By 'new guy' i meant new to FOnline.

I didn't want anything done to the Fonline Reloaded you know and love. I was trying to say it would be nice if a sub-part of the game could be infested into my idea.
I was actually thinking of a server dedicated to this, but i don't know how close to the originial Fallouts you mean.
I can only assume.

all I know is that a CO-OP single player isn't some sort of complex idea
you are announcing my ideas unfinished and impossible.
I didn't say it was impossible, it can be done.

Also when you say "not many are interested", I think it's a little to early to tell, and you shouldn't really speak for everyone.
I didn't say that about your idea in general, but refer to the devs who are working on servers of their own.

And when you call it a "large project" like I said it pretty much runs on the same principles as the game we already have.
Again, only an assumption. A little more info would be nice.

General Game Discussion / Re: Single Player/CO-OP
« on: August 03, 2014, 04:51:34 am »
Nice idea you have there, though it seems you have no real plan to how this would work.

Although the game seems perfected as it is, it lacks the charm that the original games had.
I doubt co-op will have that same charm, either.

I think that the devs of Fallout Online Reloaded should insert the original beloved single player of Fallout 1 & 2 except having a co-op mode so that you can complete the stories with friends.
Looks like another new guy who has this big plan for the server but won't contribute much themselves.
Now im not saying that 'Fallout co-op' is a bad suggestion exactly, infact if it stuck close to the originals it could be... sorta interesting.
I just don't think many people would be interested in the end. It wouldn't be the same.

Besides, the devs on Reloaded/other FOnline servers ect. are too busy working on their respective servers to devote time to a large project which not many are interested in.

IF you want to try it yourself, feel free to download the SDK. I  would suggest you get used to FOnline first.

Closed suggestions / 'Restore' One-Hander
« on: July 09, 2014, 04:03:22 am »
Make it have +5 to One Handed weapons.

Oh yes a very minor suggestion, but i need it to rule the wasteland and stuff.

You nerfed it! Now un-nerf plz!!  :) :) :) :)

Closed suggestions / Re: New support\wepon perk sugestions
« on: June 03, 2014, 03:59:02 am »
Awful suggestion.

Longer version:

I doubt anything here will be implemented, it would bring about alot of imbalance ect.

Making lifegiver and such perks into support perks is a bad idea.
If you big burster apes want the extra hp, use your perk slots for it.

In Your Face! would just be abused by tanks.

Both Heave Ho!'s would be close to the range of an Avenger...

All the BRD's to +15 damage... i doubt that needs explaining.

And no suggestions for snipers? Typical.

I can say that it is my varsion of balance perks.
What u think about it?

Nice try, but no banana.

Suggestions / Re: Finesse
« on: May 19, 2014, 01:12:20 pm »
-stat? I think we got enough of those.

What about a bonus to crit roll aswell when aiming at limbs?
Could make cripplers a little more viable without making the trait some sort of must-have for snipers.

Closed suggestions / Re: EMP grenades jam energy weapons
« on: May 14, 2014, 04:54:17 am »
Why not against power armor too? Unless these nades become more common (well ive never found one), its pretty unlikely they'll be used in normal fights anyway.

Though if an EW user can be made bogus by a single nade, why not PA?

-1 to idea in general :(

An interesting suggestion, though it would seem silly if your sneak skill had any effect while your knocked down/out.
Or your fighting at a range and all of a sudden your target disappears.

Closed suggestions / Re: Level cap
« on: May 10, 2014, 07:10:07 am »
I think the cap is fine as it is. You don't need a billion levels to play, its completely your choice.

Why I say this? cause people have gatling tanks with SG skills and makes tesla useless.

I see in preview a guy with gatling, then I spawn with tesla armor, guy switches to XLY, I'm like wtf dude, what is this shit, guy hexes me I'm done for the day I'm done!

That happens to me too! I see some guy i think i can take, but then he pulls out some burst weapon and i die.
Happens all the time. But then again, i don't use burst weapons myself. Humm.

With no level cap, you are not FORCED to make alts for every little task, and your not restricted to certain weapons.
You don't need two alts with exact same stats, only one tagged SG instead of BG because he simply doesn't have enough points.

Not everyone has the time to play the game whole day, so if one guy has all the time in the world and no job, and he plays FOnline all day - of course he'll get to bigger level than some ordinary guy, that has a job and just comes home and plays FOnline for a while.

So, even with the cap, the big guy will still have the improved gear, power armor, implants ect...
STILL putting the little guy at a disadvantage.


Having a level cap would not help anyone. Let's not go backwards.

General Game Discussion / Re: Damage Formula?
« on: May 05, 2014, 05:05:53 am »
Yup, that answered it all right, though i have another question.

I was fooling around with JHP and Finesse and it seems they can push the targets resistance to 100%
(which wiki says 90% is the cap) thus doing no damage.

Is 100% resist the true cap?

Say we're out in the wastes.
You're drugged out with CA and Avenger with 90% resist.
Im here with a jacket, finesse and 10mm pistol/AP rounds about to bring the pain.

Would i be up against:

Finesse 30% + 90% = 120% - 35% AP = 85% Resist
Finesse 30% + 90% = 100% - 35% AP = 65% Resist
I'm wrong about finesse and it DOESN'T exceed the 90% cap, thus:
Finesse 30% + 90% = 90% still - 35% AP = 55% Resist

General Game Discussion / Damage Formula?
« on: May 04, 2014, 10:08:26 am »
Im sure i saw it somewhere but i cant seem to find it.

Does anyone have it? Im asking mostly because im curious as to how ammo mods work.

Suggestions / Thrower Suggestion? Oh yay.
« on: May 03, 2014, 05:14:36 am »
I suggest to lower the AP needed for Molotovs, Frags and maybe even Dynacord by 1.

Molotovs/Frags are pretty low damage so i doubt they would be used in any serious fight.
(Haven't tried dynacord - so no idea on that)

I think i read somewhere in 2238 that they were an ap higher due to the knockdowns, but that is pretty useless against stonewall here anyway.


Closed suggestions / Re: All inventory access.....
« on: May 01, 2014, 08:30:18 am »
One way of looking at, this feature would only be useful to a small number of players, while it hurts the rest.
Another way is saying it has too many flaws compared to the current system which works just fine.

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