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Topics - Anyss

Pages: [1]
Closed suggestions / Craftable flares
« on: November 03, 2015, 01:57:37 pm »
What do you guys think about this one? I'd personally really like this feature for decorations and showing newbies the magic of FOnline. :D

In these months of playing I have encountered a ton of players. Some were good guys, like my current faction, some were bad guys like the Khans or other raiding organisations and some simply wanted to survive the chaos of the wastes on their own. In 4 in-game years I've met some awesome people that I hold in high regard for their wisdom and life advice and the incredible playing skills they had.
However I have also met new players who had never played retro Fallout games before and who were taken aback by the sheer size of the system. If you are one of those, then you are in luck. In my time spent in the game and faction I've learnt a few things about teaching fresh wastelanders how to survive and make ends meet. You can find me in the Hub most evenings hanging around with my mates.

Why should you  trust me ?
My roleplaying honour will never allow me to kill an innocent man who never wronged others and let's face it: if you need help and I'm offering you my aid chances are none of your items are what I would seek anyway.

What does it cost?
Nothing aside from your promise that you will never bear arms against my people without a very good reason. That does not include joining a faction that opposes The Red Cross. In that case you will be treated as an enemy and the playerbase will learn of your treachery.

When should you not seek me?
When you feel like trolling with an alternative character or if you feel like pestering people with an annoying presence or if you a barbarian who just found out how to use a PC.

I would advise you to also drop a reply here so that I know you want my help and never use personal messages for this task.

NB: I am a human afterall so some days I might not be online or I might not have time/energy/whatever to train bluesuits. Please understand that this is pure volunteer work and that I am not obliged by any means to hold anyone's hand and that I have every right in the world to refuse you or pass you to a colleague. Also, I am not responsible of your actions in the Wasteland after the training is over.Keep this in mind at all times.

Any suggestions/opinions shall be posted ONLY  on this thread. No mail. No spam.

Take care out there.

Closed suggestions / Wikia Update
« on: August 25, 2015, 02:20:43 pm »
Hey guys, here comes my suggestion.

As we all know the wikia is outdated and sometimes misleading. Recent updates have made it redundant in some cases or simply not accurate anymore. In my opinion we need a crew to clean it up and keep it up to date as soon as the game receives improvements/changes. I'm sure some of us are willing to take that matter seriously and make the changes as fast as they can.

Developers and community, can we do something about it? :P

General Game Discussion / What will you add in the next update?
« on: August 22, 2015, 04:19:55 pm »
Hey guys!
I've been wondering what does the future wipe prepare for us. Is it new items? New mechanics? Dev team, if you are willing to please answer.
Players, go ahead and speculate the best you can  ;D

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